Our Mission

The Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church of Abbeville, South Carolina, supports the Great Ends of the Church. We are a community of believers, diversified in our thinking but united in our purpose. We welcome into our congregation all persons who wish to worship and be of service to God. It is through God's grace and guidance that we grow in faith, and as we grow in faith, we minister to the spiritual and physical needs of each other and of our community.

What We Believe

We are guided in our faith and practice by The Holy Bible as our supreme standard and authority. Our subordinate standards are found in The Book of Confessions. The Creeds and Confessions used by the PCUSA and Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church found in The Book of Confessions are: The Nicene Creed; The Apostles' Creed; The Scot's Confession;The Heidelberg Catechism;The Second Helvetic Confession of Faith;The Westminster Confession of Faith;The Westminster Shorter Catechism;The Westminster Larger Catechism;The Theological Declaration of Barmen;The Confession of 1967 and The Brief Statement of Faith. Additional guidance, though not a confessional standard, may be found in The PCUSA Study Catechism.